Tuesday 21 June 2011

Currency Evolution


Blondie said...

DP = Dummies?

mortymer said...

Swiss Franc worked a bit differently but it is a very good approximation in general, like it. :o)

DP said...

Yeah -- you gotta problem with that? :-)

Ok... i'll go for "by Clowns" then. But not a step more!

DP said...

A fair point on SFr!

DP said...

I read someone's comment elsewhere that I don't cover the massive expansion of currency-denominated debt over these periods, and the suppression and eventual re-expansion of "value" attributed to gold.

I mean, come on now! Did you really think this was supposed to be that "one-article Freegold/RPG summary"?!?  :-D LOL

Half an hour knocking up a few slides off-the-cuff in Powerpoint yesterday evening, and I was going to achieve the unachievable? :-)    However ... they were right of course! It would indeed be neat to be able to incorporate those themes into the images somehow or another.

So, if anyone happened to have any suggestions how that could work ... I'd be real interested? Let's crowdsource this mutha!

DP said...

(Found on http://forum.goud.com)

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