On 3rd March my conclusion was the Pound was probably going down for the remainder of 2010. Looking back, we can see that clearly this was an incorrect call.

However, let's see if it just needs a little more time.
One man's journey to the centre of the truth.
Doesn't exactly look bullish, does it...
Are you acquainted to this blog?
I thought you might like it. I like Turd, he is a good trader and the ppl are well informed.
His post from Sat. I found very interesting especially the comments.
No “woolly language” there. Short term strategies, much silver but if you want to trade/buy
Ag to Au … quite useful.
Thanks for the steer - I'll check it out tomorrow... ;)
Well Fauvi, I checked it out earlier. I have to tell you it wasn't quite my cup of tea to be honest (you wouldn't want me any other way though, right?), but it was certainly interesting. I found this YouTube linked in the comments, from "Jim", and I thought of you as I listened to it while performing some work for a client this evening. Since I felt it was probably right up your alley I thought I should pass you the link, just in case you didn't already come across it yourself (unlikely, but possible! :-) ).
I'm not saying I endorse what he has to say of course, because I'm not a big fan of the whole NWO Illuminati conspiracy thing (although I don't discount it either). However, in light of my previously noted feelings on how this year might go, I thought it was interesting...
Hi DP!
That NWO theory is some kind of stupid meme in the way it is trashed around. I don’t quite subscribe to it but I was shocked first time I’ve heard about it. However I am sure there is some organised oligarchy around and I’m sure it has something to do with power and gold.
Many things have been dismissed as conspiracies and then have shown to be true. Think history and only the facts we know by now tens of years later.
This new monetary system we are to become is not being invented now, not even as A/FOA wrote about it. That is much older. The day the GS was suspended was the first step. Let the masses forget all about gold, accumulate it then give it again the new role. It’s evident.
A nice article about manipulation:
As about RPG, one thing I’ve never understood: A/FOA’s motivation to give us, sheeple this information. Love for the humanity? Helpful hands for some people? Why?
Now that J. Rickards arouses my suspicion. Why is he speculating so much around a gold standard? Who has such great interest in inducing this idea and why? Could it be that there is a battle between some giants - RPG (multipolar world) vs. GS ( Am. hegemony?)
The link I gave you is only about trading. I’m extremely HAPPY I could free quite a chunk of paper trash (unfortunately it took me more time and fight with some actually friendly bank(st)ers from some life insurances and now I’m looking for a good timing to do the right thing. You should have seen their faces as I explained them why I prefer to take a loss than wait for the maturity! They know by now exactly something is in the works and didn’t try to convince me with a single word I could be wrong!
That YT link is IMPOSSIBLE!!! So stupid, I wonder why are people doing such things.
Enjoy another!
Hi again Fauvi -- another week rolls by and we're all another week closer to... well... wherever it is we're going! :-)
That Huffpo article could really just be summed up succinctly with this one line from it, eh? "The Fed has a lock on the economics world," says Joshua Rosner, a Wall Street analyst who correctly called the meltdown. "There is no room for other views, which I guess is why economists got it so wrong." This one line sums up exactly why I tell my wife "no thanks, I don't want to do an economics degree and be told what to think in future!" :-D
I wonder what new events this week will bring for us to watch together? I hope it's something nice I can report for a change; it's so dreary to keep on just reporting bad news!
A bientot...
Re the "NWO conspiracy" thing, I think what people are "afraid of" (the economic PTB around the world working together to create a more stable world through tighter economic cooperation and function) is absolutely correct. It is happening, and it will continue to happen.
But the elite who are working towards this aren't, IMO, doing so with a specific goal of doing it to grind humanity under their collective boot heels — that is just a side-effect! :-> They are doing it out of "love" for the world, to "make it a better place for everyone". Just as all left-wing do-gooders across the world and throughout history, their intentions are good, but they just happen to wear boots with tough heels, and well if some people don't understand "what is good for them" then they have to be taught because they cannot be allowed to derail "the common good" for everyone else.
Fascists; gotta love them! (Or they'll put your head in a cage with some rats or something, until you give in and love them...)
Hi again Fauvi -- another week rolls by and we're all another week closer to... well... wherever it is we're going! :-)
That Huffpo article could really just be summed up succinctly with this one line from it, eh? "The Fed has a lock on the economics world," says Joshua Rosner, a Wall Street analyst who correctly called the meltdown. "There is no room for other views, which I guess is why economists got it so wrong." This one line sums up exactly why I tell my wife "no thanks, I don't want to do an economics degree and be told what to think in future!" :-D
I wonder what new events this week will bring for us to watch together? I hope it's something nice I can report for a change; it's so dreary to keep on just reporting bad news!
A bientot...
Hi DP!
That NWO theory is some kind of stupid meme in the way it is trashed around. I don’t quite subscribe to it but I was shocked first time I’ve heard about it. However I am sure there is some organised oligarchy around and I’m sure it has something to do with power and gold.
Many things have been dismissed as conspiracies and then have shown to be true. Think history and only the facts we know by now tens of years later.
This new monetary system we are to become is not being invented now, not even as A/FOA wrote about it. That is much older. The day the GS was suspended was the first step. Let the masses forget all about gold, accumulate it then give it again the new role. It’s evident.
A nice article about manipulation:
As about RPG, one thing I’ve never understood: A/FOA’s motivation to give us, sheeple this information. Love for the humanity? Helpful hands for some people? Why?
Now that J. Rickards arouses my suspicion. Why is he speculating so much around a gold standard? Who has such great interest in inducing this idea and why? Could it be that there is a battle between some giants - RPG (multipolar world) vs. GS ( Am. hegemony?)
The link I gave you is only about trading. I’m extremely HAPPY I could free quite a chunk of paper trash (unfortunately it took me more time and fight with some actually friendly bank(st)ers from some life insurances and now I’m looking for a good timing to do the right thing. You should have seen their faces as I explained them why I prefer to take a loss than wait for the maturity! They know by now exactly something is in the works and didn’t try to convince me with a single word I could be wrong!
That YT link is IMPOSSIBLE!!! So stupid, I wonder why are people doing such things.
Doesn't exactly look bullish, does it...
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