Tuesday, 8 November 2011


Whatever happened to the Dork of Cork..?

"Just because!"

(H/T "It's me pal Max, shur'tis")


DP said...

The Dork of Cork? Yeah... and Desperado.

FOFOA said...

Yeah, and where's Art?  You ought to see my spam box.  It's a goldmine of treasures.  Here's just one sample out of over a hundred: 

MONEYMAVERICK, These Freegolders are not respectable erudite people. You know the things they called me just because they could not refute my arguments. If you think that they're credible, you lose. Freegolders are people of ill will. All they're saying is, Don't use gold as money and allow the bankers (by default) continue creating money out of thin air. And if you buy gold, don't spend it or use it in business transactions. Again, FREEGOLDERS are like a doctor who advises you to catch a disease (fiat fraud) so that he can sell you the medicine (gold) which he says you shouldn't use! How can you take these people seriously? May 20, 2011 11:01 AM

FOFOA said...

Moar Majik from the Man:

We GET IT that Freegolders want to preserve the bankers' CRIMINAL privilege to print money out of thin air and buy everything's that's for sale on this planet. We GET IT that Freegolders claim that CRIME and EXTORTION is the way of life we must accept as the good slaves that we must be. We GET IT that Freegolders want to STEAL our wealth and labor and consequently DESTROY our lives. We GET IT that Freegolders want to make us SHUT UP and not COMPLAIN against their crimes. What the Fregolders DON'T GET is that the answer is a big you-know-what NO.

FOFOA said...

Ooooh!  Here's one with a prediction!!! 

The Fat Lady has sung TODAY May 24, 2011. SO, in my opinion, Silver is going to be trading above $70 in October. Mining shares will at least DOUBLE by October. And gold will be above $2000 in the same time frame. Buy silver or waste your time getting brainwashed by undercover bankers aka the FREEGOLDERS. I have a blog and I'll post this message in there too. You can join me at goldasmoney-art.blogspot.com I'll be leaving for greener pastures tomorrow so you won't hear much from me again until October.
By Art on Costata's Silver Open Forum - Part 2 on 5/24/11

DP said...


DP said...

Why doesn't he GET the very, incredibly VERY extremely, massively, I can't think of a bigger way to put it in huge neon lights for him right now, simple idea that what Freegolds tell him he should do is... not save this evil worthless fiat money, butr put his welath outside of the money system. Ideally in gold, but anything real will do the job to some degree.

What a willy.

DP said...

DANG! Missed that opportunity to load up on those sweet way-out-da-money, jus like suga an hunny, SEP $70 silver calls, back in tha day-ya, jus like dis play-ya. [pulls cap peak] [crosses arms] Ouch! Static burn off dis bitch tracksuit! [sucks teeeth]

Yeah boyyy!

DP said...


DP said...

No no, please just tell us it how you really think it is. This is no time for restraint sir!

DP said...

TDoC?   :-)

DP said...

So TDoC is still around, showing up ranting incoherently about the euro, but at least (thankfully) over that whole we're-getting-fucked-by-the-high-priests thing. Hallelujah!

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