Wednesday, 19 October 2011

The dollar system

It's a miracle! A miracle I tells ya!

Save our promises up for later, and you'll
get more than you ever dreamed possible!


DP said...

I see the pigs, and the dumb cows.

But why didn't they show us the horses and their horseshit?

DP said...

Dollar - Give me back my heart

DP said...

A rare candid moment from the USG (or "Money G" if you prefer?)

I am a passenger

DP said...

Dirty Money - Loving you no more

DP said...

Can you feel it?I'm feeling a change.In the air.

DP said...

Welcome to your New Life!

DP said...

The joke is on SAVERS in this system we enjoy today. They're saving up promises of "stuff later", but there are many more promises than there is stuff that can be delivered.

DP said...

Will you be one of the chumps left holding the bag of worthless "money" when everyone finally realises stuff is going to run out long before the ever-expanding amount of money might...

DP said...

... not if I have anything to do with it, my friend! ;-)

Are you going to start thinking about all this stuff, which does affect you, whether you like it or not? Or am I going to have to trace your IP address from the server logs and come over there to poke you on the forehead with my index finger until you do? Hmmm? What's it to be?

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