Friday 3 February 2012


The best you can is good enough

I'd really like to help you, man.

A Redenomination of Value

Deflationary Depression?


DP said...

We're in it together

DP said...


DP said...

It's just a shitty old Yankee rust bucket gas guzzler anyway. Let it burn.

Buy a Beemer.

DP said...

How to run your personal finances for maximum resilience. Keep your reserve battery fully charged. Make it an alkaline battery, since this is an acidic world.

DP said...

Metallica: The Ecstacy of Gold / Battery

DP said...

Freegold Pictorial

DP said...

Freegold pictorial

DP said...

This doesn't happen in Bartertown.

DP said...

Gold is a "wealth asset" (alongside bonds, stocks, etc) and not a "real good or service".

Therefore it does belong inside the upper, inverted pyramid of wealth assets, not the lower one or even somewhere outside of the eggtimer altogether. It needs to fill a bigger part of the upper pyramid than it does today though (and it is).

It should always flow opposite of "real goods and services" (gold and oil will never flow in the same direction).

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