Tuesday 31 January 2012

Gipsy Rose-Lee

Texas tea


DP said...

Date: Fri Nov 07 1997 21:59

Turn slowly now and view all directions. The wealth that was had was not real. The Pacific Rim started, now South America. Next will be Europe closely followed by the US. Remember, all currencies are the same now as they are "digital paper"! Nations will defend the system at all cost They will never sell US$ treasury debt as that debt is their currency! The dollar will soar as a final defense! As part of this defense they will allow oil to rise as oil is priced in dollars. How do you get oil to rise? Today, we stop our CBs from selling gold! 

DP said...

Check your change: weights and values

DP said...


DP said...

The Day Is Coming
The way is clear
Bang bang
On the door.

DP said...


Nickelsaver said...

Your fortune http://goo.gl/WEsof

DP said...


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