Tuesday 8 February 2011

Gold leading - what gives?

Something happened today, and I can't see what it is yet on the BBC news. But something has caused a change from the recent pattern, where silver leads gold up. Today, gold is leading silver up. What is more, platinum and palladium are not following, so far. This suggests to me that whatever it is that's probably about to come to light, it's a safe-haven thing rather than a high liquidity thing.

Be interesting to see how this progresses later... Probably a false flag.

Yeah, probably.


DP said...

I guess it could just be something to do with this little old thing here.

DP said...

Also here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/janet-tavakoli/gold-game-changer-jpmorga_b_820005.html

"I don't recall the G-20 declaring gold a new currency. Yet JPMorgan Chase and a couple of financial market exchanges have effectively declared that gold is an alternative currency."

DP said...

Well, it seems that silver/platinum/palladium decided to catch up

DP said...

Also here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/janet-tavakoli/gold-game-changer-jpmorga_b_820005.html

"I don't recall the G-20 declaring gold a new currency. Yet JPMorgan Chase and a couple of financial market exchanges have effectively declared that gold is an alternative currency."

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